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ET-Pedestrian 120 Vacuum Litter Collector

ET-Pedestrian 120 Vacuum Litter Collector

The Pedestrian 120 Vacuum Litter Collector is ECO-Friendly and is best suited equipment for outdoor locations.

Category: Litter Picker Vacuum

Product Details

The Pedestrian 120 Vacuum Litter Collector is ECO-Friendly and is best suited equipment for outdoor locations. It enables quick-response cleaning especially in areas which are difficult to reach by the traditional mechanical sweepers.


The 120 Vacuum Litter Picker is ideal for spot-cleaning in confined areas where accessibility is limited or restricted like around street furniture, under benches, footpaths, patios, driveways, under-bushes, alleyways, parking lots, parks, gardens and busy pedestrian urban areas.

Organic litter or kitchen litter like vegetables, fruits, flowers, dry leaves, cut grass, dog faeces are bio-degradable and need to be collected separately so that effective waste management procedures are followed to help conservation of nature.

Non-Organic litter like paper, glass, plastic, tetra packs, cloth, aluminium foils, wrappers are non bio-degradable and need to be collected separately so that effective waste management procedures are followed to help conservation of nature.


The 120 Vacuum Litter Collector / Picker is a highly productive, costeffective and virtually maintenance-free way of litter management.

Technical Data


Power Consumption 1200 W
Size/Dimension 4*2 ft(L*W)
Power Source Engine
Material Plastic(Bucket)
Voltage 440 V
Operation Mode Semi-Automatic
Engine 2-Stroke Petrol Engine

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