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SCH. 2187 Vacuum Tankers & Trucks

Model: ET-SB-SCH-2187

Category: Industrial Vacuum Tankers & Trucks

Product Details

Perfect for large-scale vacuuming. SCH. 2187 outfitting consists of a cistern with collection capacity from 8 to 12 m³, installed on a platform. Complete with single lifting hydraulic arm and discharge bottom closing actuators. The entire unit can be managed via push-button panel or remote control. Outfitting can be fully customised and coupled with the most suitable Sibilia vacuum units for customer needs.

Two different cistern types are available, designed especially for liquid or solid suction.

There are numerous options for outfitting the SCH. 2187 unit in order to obtain ATEX certification.

Technical Data


S.8 Central X
S.10 Central X
S.20 Central
S.30 Central
S.40 Central
S.50 Central

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